This chapter of my Berlin Journal takes the reader from Alexanderplatz to Zoologischer Garten. Literally from A to Z. A total of 26 proper names or important sites with their historical and cultural backround.
A parade of relevant personalities of Berlin’s history makes way through this central chapter of the book; led by the brothers Humboldt and the “Alte Fritz” – the king of Prussia Frederick II. left a deep mark in the German capital.
Also, I confront two exceptional female artists who experienced National Socialism in radical different ways: one as a muse of the fascists while the other suffered in her own skin the hate of the nazis.
The chapter visits twice the outskirts of the city – the destinations are Potsdam and Sachsenhausen/Oranienburg , which own history is strongly linked to that of Berlin.
“Berlin from A to Z” does not forget shoppers or those interested in politics – and also families visiting Berlin find in the book special tips!
➡➡ Here you get to the next chapter: Berlin in pictures.