offers city tours in Spanish and Catalan – which for English speaking tourists is not very interesting. You are welcome to read the information below. Enjoy your visit to Berlin!
Profile of the Staatliche Museen zu Berlin
The Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, with its many museums, falls under the umbrella of the Stiftung Preussischer Kulturbesitz (SPK, Prussian Cultural Heritage Foundation). The other organizations that fall under the auspices of the SPK are the Staatsbibliothek, Geheimes Staatsarchiv, the Ibero-Amerikanisches Institut (a specialist library of Spanish- and Portuguese-language literature), and the Staatliches Institut für Musikforschung (a musicological research institute which has its own museum: the Musikinstrumenten-Museum).
The SPK was founded in 1957 to preserve and continually enrich the cultural artefacts belonging to the former state of Prussia. It is funded by the federal German government and all 16 of Germany’s individual states.
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